Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The End of Poverty

I recently read The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs. It was an interesting concept to explore while living in a developing country. Many of the principles described in the book were field tested in Kenya. A few of them were also tested here. The most fascinating part was the small amount of money that was invested in communities to improve their standard of living and make them self-sufficient.

Reading these studies through, I can not help but think about how some of these principles could be applied to truly end poverty. It is a matter of money and will on the part of the communities. Money is the big key. It would take huge levels of international cooperation to make it happen but it is possible. One person could theoretically fund a village agriculture subsistence revolution with the money he or she could leave as an interchange to the project – I’m talking about $30,000 USD. It seems like a lot of money but in the grand scheme of things it isn’t. There are so many practical ways to make a real impact in the lives of communities to help bring them out of poverty and into something more than mere subsistence.

It seems that poverty is a reoccurring theme in this journal entry set. It is a major theme in everyday life here. It affects everything.

I might be crazy to dream that someday things will be different. I believe that they can be. Being in a mixed group of international students, there are a variety of opinions of development and aid interventions and what is ok and what too much interference with local culture is. There have been many lively discussions revolving around this topic. There seems to be as many opinions as there are people. For something to be done there must be some cross borders conversations and much cooperation, concession and evaluation of what is really needed not what is the easiest to do.

I think there is a solution to the end of poverty. I may not see it happen in my lifetime, but I believe that my peers and I will be the catalyst to see a change in generations to come. It will not be an effort led by governments and organizations but one that starts with people, individuals who want to see a change for the better in the human condition. It may be one community at a time and not one country at a time but it will be effective.

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