Friday, August 1, 2008


Tonight we danced with the Maasai. There was something pretty amazing about it. I’m not sure of the best way to describe how the experience felt; it was a little strange at first, yet once I started to take the whole context in, I felt like I was connecting with something from in me. At first it was awkward as I was challenged to use parts of my body that I normally do not use or at least move in the same fashion. I mastered the basic rhythm and then got thrown in the circle by one of the ladies. It was definitely fun, but I felt so aware of my every move. Trying to copy their style without accidentally adding my own interpretation as a dancer that might be interpreted differently than my intentions was something I had to consciously think about. I was captivated by the dancers. I see why this ritual is seen as a display of power and sexuality from the men and women alike. It was freeing to be able to join in and for a few minutes, as awkward as I felt in my movement, not be an outsider. I was part of the group. I was dancing with, not at, for or around, with the Maasai. I did it. It will always be a memory. There was no way to describe the etherealness of the scene and the sounds of the chanting. It is something to be experienced.

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